He thus prayed the court that their marriage be dissolved and the custody of the children granted him.
“The greatest mistake I have ever made in life was to marry my wife, “Jelili said.
“While we were dating, she hid her true nature from me. I thought I knew her well enough and believed she was going to be a dutiful wife. She started showing her true self the day we got married . And a week after I started regretting ever marrying her.
“We have lived in eight houses in the 11 years of our marriage as a result of my wife’s quarrelsome nature. My wife not only fights me; she also fights with our neighbours and people in the neighbourhood.
“She starts and ends the day fighting. Our neighbours wait to hear her shout and curse every morning. When they hear her voice, they know the day has broken.
”Our belongings were often thrown out by the different landlords we rented apartments from due to my wife’s unruly behaviour.
“The most shameful aspect of it is that everybody in our compound and neighbourhood has seen her nakedness, the plaintiff added.
“Whenever she wants to engage in a fight, she pulls off her clothes leaving only her pants and bra which are torn in the course of the fight thus leaving her stark naked.
“I’m a tricycle driver. I run the business in our neighbourhood. My family and I live on the little income I make from the business. Many times I have ended up spending this income to treat my passengers’. All because of my wife’s disgraceful act.
“There were times she would waylay me, drag down my passengers if they were females and fight them. She would not only embarrass them but assault them publicly. I bear the brunt of her misconduct because I carry the victims to the hospital for medical attention and pay the medical bills. This often disrupts my business anytime it happens, ”he stated.
“The last time she fought, we were again thrown out of our apartment by our landlord.
She fought naked with a tenant. I mediated in the matter, but she disregarded me. And same with the landlord and other co-tenants She fought and destroyed things in the compound which was the major reason we were sent packing.
“I decided we were going to live separately henceforth. I, therefore rented an apartment for her and paid N30,000 as rent while I moved into another apartment somewhere else.
“She came to my place with her sister early one morning to fight me. My offence according to them was that I was dating another lady. My mother was around then. She slapped my mother and tore her clothes for trying to mediate in the matter. They destroyed my property and went away with my money and fan.
“I went to report at the police station and a policeman went with me to effect her arrest at her sister’s place where she was hiding. We got there but her sister resisted her arrest and almost assaulted the policeman. I was then advised at the police station to come to court, “he stated.
Rafiat disagreed to her husband’s plea for divorce and custody of their children.
“My mother in-law is our problem, “the defendant stated.
“My husband and I and four others were living with her in her one-room apartment early in our marriage. Due to paucity of fund , I offered to help her sell cooked rice and amala (yam flour) which I hawked. This I did dutifully.
“Rather than being appreciative of this she started finding fault in all I did and encouraged my husband to take another wife.
“She’s is the cause of the frequent fights between me and my husband. The last time we fought, he sent me out. I went to my mother who sent delegates twice to his family to make peace but he and her mother refused to have me back.
“He later rented a N20,000 per annum apartment and left me and our three-year-old child. The place was bare- there was no bed, mattress or furniture. I was sleeping on cold floor with our baby for two months.
“I complained to him, but he did nothing.
“I told him it wasn’t decent to live alone as a married woman. I knelt down and begged him to please move in with me, but he told me his uncle would explain the situation of things to me.
“He refused to tell me where he was staying when I requested from him and stated that his mother must not know he was at my place.
“I eventually knew where he was staying and went there early one morning to carry the mattress we were once both using and some other household items. I knocked, opened the door and moved into the room and there I saw my husband in bed with a lady I can refer to as a younger sister of mine. I was shocked. He also felt embarrassed that I caught him pants down.
“He got up, put on his trousers and started beating me. Her mother who was around came in and joined him in beating me. They tore my clothes and left me stark naked.
“I don’t want my children to suffer by leaving them in another woman’s care. I still love my husband and I am not willing to part ways with him.
The court president, Chief Agbaje Olasunkanmi, after listening to the duo requested the presence of their parents in court in the next adjournment..
He thus adjourned the case till April 12 and ordered both parties to appear in court with their parents.
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Из-за жизнедеятельности бактерии хеликобактер пилори количество прыщей на лице увеличивается в геометрической прогрессии, и тут на помощь человеку может прийти правильное питание. Основой рациона должны стать овощи и фрукты. Вредную и жирную пищу стоит исключить из своего рациона. Также рекомендуется избавиться от злоупотребления алкоголем. Человеку нужно пить как можно больше воды, но при этом не злоупотреблять газированными напитками. Считается, что правильный рацион помогает гораздо быстрее справиться и с угрями, и с причиной их появления. Бактерия хеликобактер пилори действительно вызывает прыщи и кожный зуд, причем количество высыпаний увеличивается в зависимости от степени развития проблемы.
Арахидоновая кислота
в натуральном виде содержится преимущественно в продуктах животного происхождения. В растительных маслах арахидоновая кислота практически отсутствует.
В сутки взрослому человеку нужно до 10 г полиненасыщенных жирных кислот, из которых половина должна приходиться на арахидоновую.
Источник 1
Источник 2
Источник 3
Источник 4
Источник 5
Некоторые продукты, содержащие арахидоновую кислоту, приведены ниже (% от веса сырого продукта):
• Постная говядина — 0,046%
• Говяжий жир — 0,5%
• Свиная корейка — 0,053%
• Свиной жир — 0,5%
• Бараний жир — 0,5%
• Почки — 0,3-0,5%
• Печень — 0,23-0,36%
• Сырое яйцо — 0,2-0,5%
• Куриная грудка — 0,064%
• Куриное бедро — 0,1%
• Индюшиная грудка — 0,059%
• Утка — 0,1%
• Тунец — 0,033%
• Лосось — 0,01-0,2%
• Тресковый жир (мышцы) — 1-4%
• Лососёвый жир — 0,5-1%
• Жир сельди — 0,3-1%
• Молочный жир — 0,1-1,7%
• Масло коровье топлёное — 0,09%
При гидрировании арахидоновая кислота образует арахиновую кислоту, встречающуюся в маслах бобовых растений, в частности — арахиса.
Содержится в коровьем масле, в масле земляных орехов и в жирном веществе зёрен плодов рамбутана; это последнее представляет глицерид арахиновой кислоты с небольшой примесью глицерида олеиновой кислоты. Содержится также во многих растительных маслах: масло купуасу (11 %), масло авелланского ореха (6,3 %), масло моринга (4 %), масло дерева сал (3—9 %), масло капустной пальмы (2,5 %), масло чёрного кофе (2,34 %), масло манго (2 %), масло дерева ним (2 %), масло расторопши (3 %), масло семян смородины (менее 2 %).
Окраска семян арахиса тёмно-красная или светло-розовая, кремовая или серовато-жёлтая; пигмент, который придаёт кожице такой цвет, защищает от насекомых, при попадании в ЖКТ человека может вызвать лёгкое отравление (диарею), легко удаляется при замачивании.
Семена содержат до 53 % жирного масла. В состав масла входят глицериды арахиновой, лигноцериновой, стеариновой, пальмитиновой, гипогеевой, олеиновой, линолевой, лауриновой, миристиновой, бегеновой, ейкозеновой и церотиновой кислот. Кроме масла, в семенах есть белки (до 37 %), глобулины (до 17 %), арахин и конарахин, глютенины (около 17 %), крахмал (до 21 %), сахара (до 7,47 %), тритерпеновые сапонины, аминокислоты, пурины, а также витамины B (особенно в кожуре семени), витамин E, пантотеновая кислота, биотин и др. В состав оболочки плодов входит гликозид арахидозид, а также лейкоцианидин и лейкодельфинидин.
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