Man Born Without A Hand Undergoes 'World First' Surgery To Have New Limb Attached...

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A man born without a hand has been given one from a deceased donor in what surgeons claim is a world first. The 32-year-old, who has spent his life without his left hand, underwent a 13-hour procedure last week to have the new limb attached.

Despite currently only having the ability to move his fingers, doctors are optimistic Piotr will gain more mobility over time. The 32-year-old, who has spent his life without his left hand, underwent a 13-hour procedure last week to have the new limb attached
Adam Domanasiewicz, who headed the operation at Wroclaw Medical University, Poland, said: 'It is the first graft in the world of an upper limb onto an adult with this congenital defect.

'We are talking about a man who lived 32 years without this member. 'This is an important breakthrough in neurophysiology and the practice of transplants because up to now it was thought that - in the case of this type of congenital defect - such grafts could not be done.'

The operation could open up new possibilities to hundreds of thousands of people in the world born without members whose only option to date has been prostheses, he added.

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