All the networks in nigeria are currently operating this services under different pattern, structure and/or strategy, whereby MTN labelled there own as share 'n' sell Airtel make theirs as me2u GLO uses easyshare and finally Etisalat names it as easy airtime transfer service.

Well i believe today with the following guide am about to show, you will be able to activate and start sharing or selling your airtime from your account directly irrespective of the network you are using.
One thing i love about this method of sharing airtime is that it is convenient and flexible as you do not need to go out looking for a recharge card seller to buy or be worried about the different denomination of the card as you can even share N101 to the intended recipient, moreover its secure as PIN or password protected is involved.
Without distracting you with much noise lets take a look at the tutorial that will help you transfer airtime in any nigerian network.
For MTN users
About MTN share 'n' sell
MTN share 'n' sell is services that is created by MTN to assist it's subscribers in sending airtime from their MTN account to another MTN customers account directly. share 'n' sell is available to any existing MTN prepaid/postpaid customer.MTN share 'n' sell services is free of charge and only the amount you transfer will be deducted from your account. you can only transfer in naira amount and not in kobo. The process and procedures to transfer airtime from your account to another customers account is available in both SMS and USSD string codes and there is no limit to the maximum of transaction per day.
The minimum amount to be transferred at a time is N50 and the maximum amount is N5000 in a single transaction.
How to activate MTN share 'n' sell service
When i say activation am actually referring to the process of changing the default MTN PIN to enable you make the transaction securely. MTN provides a default PIN for each subscriber and the need for that subscriber to use the default PIN and change it to his/her own memorable four-digits numbers which he can easily remember to authenticate his/her transaction anytime at anywhere. the default PIN is 0000 for each MTN line, as before changing the PIN via USSD codes is actually active but as of now and at the time of this post you will always receive no reply when try to change with USSD codes which renders you with no option than to use the SMS alternative in changing your PIN. here is how to change your PIN using smsSms 0000 2222 2222 to 777
this is an example above on how to change your PIN
Take note: the first four zeros implies your default code and the subsequent four digits numbers as seen above i.e 2222 represent your PIN and you have to still repeat the four 2s as a confirmation on the PIN, you can substitute it to any four digit numbers you like but the default PIN remain 0000 and the message structure will remain same as in above as there is always a space between the default PIN, new PIN, and confirm new PIN.
Immediately after sending this, if everything is alright you will receive a successful message that your PIN has been successfully change but if contrary, then you will receive a message telling you that the old PIN is incorrect in this case there are two things involved either someone has already changed your PIN or else try using 1234 as your default PIN but if you get and unsuccessful message again you have no option rather than to call customer care or chat with them online here to reset the PIN for you.
After due process in changing your PIN, if successful you can proceed to transfer your airtime either using SMS or USSD string codes..
How to transfer credit with MTN share 'n' sell
using SMS..send sms transfer 08165878679 479 1234 to 777
you will receive a reply immediately from 777 requesting you to confirm the transaction by replying with YES to 777 within 15 minutes or reply cancel to abort the transaction.
Simply sms YES to 777 within 15 minutes to confirm and validate the transaction.
The sms format should be inline with the above example as the "transfer" is referring to the structure of transaction you need while the "08165878679" means the person your sending the airtime to, "479" denotes the amount to be sent as it can be any amount you wish and is available on your account and "1234" means the PIN you change above to authenticate the transaction.
Using USSD codes..
I recommend this method because it is much easier and simple than the aforementioned one.
simply dial *600*recipient no*amount*PIN#
E.g *600*08165878679*479*1234#
Nothing to define much on the code above as you know *600 means your actually referring to the share 'n' sell service followed by the recipient number of whom you want to transfer the credit to as in example above 08165878679 followed by the amount you want to transfer i.e 479 and then lastly the secret four-digit number of your choice above i.e 1234
i believe with the above guide you can be able to activate and use the MTN share 'n' sell service
For Airtel Users
About Airtel me2U service
me2U is an airtime transfer service that is design to enable subscribers share airtime (credit) on their airtel lines with their friend and families irrespective of location and time.Airtel me2U service has some little differences with that of MTN share 'n' sell in terms of charges relating to the transaction. Airtime transfer cannot exceed the amount of credit available on the transferring subscribers network and each subscriber is entitled to N5000/transaction per day, meaning you cannot send airtime to another airtel subscriber of more than N5000 either at a single transaction or split.
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Each subscriber will be charge N10 for each and every single transaction that is successful and you cannot transfer the whole credit on your account without accounting for that N10 service charge.
How to activate airtel Me2U service
As always when i said activation am referring to the process of changing your transfer PIN to make it more secure. As usual but not always, you have to change the default PIN to a secret four-digit number to authenticate the transaction securely.The default PIN for airtel Me2U service is 1234 which you required to change it to your own secret one. here is how to change the PIN
sms PIN 1234 1111 to 432
The example above indicate How you can change the password whereby "PIN" implies the origin of what you need and "1234" signifies the default PIN and then lastly "1111" means the new PIN that you have chosen to use and then you send it to 432. You will receive an immediate reply telling that your PIN is 1111. If due process was followed and everything is fine, then your finally good to go in transferring your airtime but if contrary, then you have no option than to call customer care to reset the PIN for you.
How to transfer airtime on airtel using Me2U service
using sms..send sms 2u 08021234567 387 1111 to 432
the above example is the same format to use when transferring airtime to the subscriber on-net. the "2u" means the initiating transfer code while the "08021234567" is specifying the subscriber to sent the airtime to, followed by the amount which is "387" as specified by the initiator in the example above and then lastly the four-digit PIN to validate the transaction. Both the sender and the receiver will receive a successful message in respect of the transaction executed if everything goes fine.
NOTE: don't always forget to put spaces between the above format code
For Etisalat Users
About Etisalat easy airtime transfer service
0809ja was also transferring airtime easily and quickly to any other etislat subscriber on the same network. you can transfer airtime on etisalat by just executing some USSD command codes.READ ALSO: Etisalat cheapest tariff plan ever
Etisalat doesn't put limitation to the number of times you can transfer in a day, However, the minimum amount that can be transferred in a single transaction is 10 naira while the maximum amount is 20,000 naira. The maximum amount that can be transferred in a day is 100,000 naira. Also, note that the minimum balance that can be maintained in your account after the transfer is 10 naira.
How to activate etisalat easy airtime transfer service
Etisalat default PIN for transferring airtime is 0000 and there is need for you to change that default PIN to your own desired PIN and here's how to..Simply dial *247*0000*New number (4 digits) #
E.g *247*0000*4321#
"4321" means the new PIN you choose and it can be any four-digits number you like while "0000" signifies the default PIN, any failure encountered when changing the default PIN must be reported to the etisalat customer care or chat with them online here
How to transfer airtime on etisalat with easy airtime transfer service
Using USSD is the code to transfer airtime
Simply dial dial *223*0000*amount*Etisalat mobile number#
The *223 codes define the transaction while the first four zero (0000) digits means the PIN you already change earlier followed by the amount to be sent which can be any amount with the exception above and then the etisalat recipient to send the airtime to, you will receive a successful message immediately if everything goes normal.
For Glo Users
About Glo easyShare transfer service
Glo EasyShare enables you to share your call credit with any one you choose on the Glo network. Send credit to family, friends and loved ones in an instant with this service.READ ALSO: Get 1GB data for N500 on Glo campus data booster
Glo transfer service differs as it uses a five-digit PIN number in authenticating the transfer service. The default PIN for Glo is 0000
How to activate Glo easyShare transfer service
To change or create a Glo PIN for transferring airtime simply dial
*132*00000*New Pin* New Pin#
*132*0000*new_pin*new_pin#E.g *132*0000*54321*54321#
you will receive a successful message immidiately.
How to transfer airtime with Glo EasyShare transfer service
to transfer airtime on EasyShare just dial*131*Phone No*Amount*PIN#.
For example, if your password is 12345 and you want to transfer N65 to a customer with Phone Number 08051234567, then you dial *131*08051234567*75*12345#.
I hope with the above given guide, one can be able to activate and transfer airtime from his account to another in the comfort of your room. the ability of one to know and change the PIN of the transfer is success.
Take into consideration that all the PIN and numbers used above are example and one is advice to make his/her PIN secret to avoid any security flaw.
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