Quickteller Guide: Perform All Operations Pay Bills - Transfer Funds

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I want to introduce you to an awesome service called QuickTeller just as someone introduced the software to me sometime ago. This is not just an ordinary tutorial because, with QuickTeller, you can do a ton of things and I dont think a single post can take all the things that one can do with QuickTeller. Hence, this post is going to be in Segments. And I'll try to explain to you in details, the various operations of QuickTeller as a payments and funds transfer system.

First of , what's QuickTeller?

QuickTeller as you may know by now is simply a System that simplifies the whole process of paying for services you use at home such as dstv and at the same time help you transfer funds from one back account to another. And more so, it does this fast and simple that you'll be left feeling thankful to the app!
Now that you know what QuickTeller is and what it does, let's see the basics about QuickTeller appapp before we get to the processes involved in using it.

QuickTeller has both a website and app for Android and surely other mobile platforms.
You may choose to access the website/online version of QuickTeller via

If you wish to use QuickTeller services via the mobile app, you can head over to Google play store and download the latest version of QuickTeller app.

You may want to sign up with QuickTeller in order to have easier access to your stored information amongst many other benefits of having a proper account
I think we should dive right in and see what this Baby can do:)

First of all, we'll see the steps one can take To Recharge Startimes Decoder Using Quickteller Android App

As we mentioned earlier, you can use QuickTeller to pay almost anything online & You can as well use it to pay for your startimes subscription by following the simple steps below.

=> am Assuming you really have the application on your phone 
=>Navigate to menu and Launch the App
=>from the menu that appears, Select Make a Payment
=>Click on Cable TV Bills
=>Select Startimes Payments to pay for Startimes specifically.
=>Enter your Smartcard Number and Amount you want to pay. this depends on the plan you want to subscribe to. 
=>Click Next and complete payment without breaking a sweat!

Just wait for a few seconds and your Startimes decoder will be renewed and recharged. :p

Imagine an app that can do this and others this quick!
Let's take a break and look at the payment options available for users of QuickTeller.

To Use QuickTeller in making payments, you need to configure of associate a bank account with your QuickTeller account/app. You can do this in a number of ways.

Just as in other electronic payment methods like PayPal, QuickTeller requires the use of a payment card which can be ATM card
prepaid Card or
Postpaid card

QuickTeller accepts most debit cards but are known to work best with Verve Cards and MasterCards.

What about the Verve Card?

The good thing about using verve Card with your QuickTeller app to make payments is that With a Verve Card you need not enter all your card details when making payments as the only password you need to remember are your CVV2 number and PIN! Thus simplifying the payment process.

So, you are welcome to use any card issued by your bank on the QuickTeller app.

We've seen how to perform payments for your Startimes decoder with the use of QuickTeller app on your Android phone.

Now, let's see how to do the same by going online at QuickTeller's website, QuickTeller.com!
Don't worry, it's not difficult to achieve this. I advise you use a PC for this process, so it can go smoothly. Browsers like opera mini on Android should not enough expected to do the job neatly.

How to subscribe and Renew Startimes decoder Subscriptions At QuickTeller.com

See how it is done below

=> point your browser to http://Quickteller.com
=>Click on the Make Payments tile
=>Click on the Select a Service Category drop down arrow
=>Select Cable TV Bills &
=>Click on the Startimes tile

At this junction, you'll be required to type in some details concerning the payments you want to make and you should have the ready by now.

To proceed,

=>Enter your Smartcard Number, Email, Mobile Number and the Amount

=>Click “Continue” and continue payment

Enter your details and make your payment.

As soon as it's confirmed which doesn't take much time, your decoder should be like brand new and working properly again! 
This post has largely dwelt on Startimes but it's important to note that QuickTeller app and website can be used to do now than paying Startimes decoder bills.

Other satellite dishes are supported such as dstv, etc.

Reasons why QuickTeller payment solution is the best anyone can use

- Very fast. These guys are known for their speed in processing users requests very fast and carrying out instructions in few seconds.

- Safe and trusted

QuickTeller, via their superb service they've been delivering have managed to capture the hearts of many Nigerians.

If millions trust QuickTeller, why can't you lead us.
Funny enough, some people used to think that the ATM is meant for only cashing money here in Nigeria. I used to think thus way before too. But clearly, there are a lot of other useful things one can do with the ATM such as accessing QuickTeller's services to pay bills.

This means that if you can't use the Android app and the website too. You can just walk over to an ATM and use it to access QuickTeller

Below are steps to pay bills with QuickTeller using the ATM and yet again, we are using Startimes as an example.

=>Go to any ATM bank and insert your ATM card.
=>From the options that follows, Select Quickteller, then Pay bills
=>Choose your account type. Savings, current or credit
=>Select Others
=>On the screen that asks for Merchant Code', type in 240534 as the merchant code then another screen will ask for 'Customer Reference' [this means your own unique Startimes digits ,go ahead and enter your Smartcard Number
=>Click PROCEED to accept the amount displayed on the screen as your bill. This is what will be deducted from your account.
=>Follow prompts to complete the transaction and Hoola! You are done.

You just used QuickTeller via ATM and it's one of those cool things about the software!

Drop your own review of QuickTeller...
Have you ever used them?
Are they as good as I paint them to be:eek:
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